This brush head for an electric toothbrush was invented by Xin Zhou (Irvine, CA,US). It was patented by the USPTO on November 1st , 2022 , bearing patent number USD968,097S1.
This patent was assigned to JS HOLDING INC. (Dover, DE). The ornamental design for a brush head for electric toothbrush, as shown and described is claimed by the assignee.

To put it simply, manual toothbrushes are not as effective in removing plaque as rechargeable electric toothbrushes, sometimes known as “power” toothbrushes. Additionally, many individuals believe that using power toothbrushes is easier than using manual ones because they do the brushing operation for you. Furthermore, finding one that meets your unique demands for dental health is simple given the wide variety of models and features available.
“Brushes that worked with a rotation oscillation action removed more plaque and reduced gingivitis more effectively than manual brushes in the short and long term,” an independent research from 2005 states. There was never any powered brush design that was consistently better.