Today’s Patent – Mask systems and continuous positive airway pressure system
The said invention (JP7407782B2) was invented by Jessica Lee Dunn Justin John Formica Anthony Paul
Barbara, patented by JPO on 04-01-2024. Currently, it stands assigned to Resmed Pty Ltd.

This patent introduces innovations in CPAP mask systems, enhancing therapy for obstructive sleep
apnea (OSA). The invention improves patient comfort and therapeutic efficiency through adaptiv
mask designs that fit various facial structures, minimize air leakage, and maintain consistent airf
Key advancements include ergonomic headgear for easier adjustment, noise-reduction features for a
quieter experience, and enhanced sealing for effective pressure delivery. The system is userfriendly, durable, and compatible with various CPAP devices, addressing key challenges in
traditional systems.
By improving comfort, usability, and performance, this invention significantly advances respirator
therapy technology, offering better outcomes and higher patient satisfaction for individuals
managing OSA and other respiratory conditions