The MECHANICAL ANTI-LOCK BRAKING SYSTEM was invented by Abdulatif Namngani (Jeddah 21414) on 24th of March 1998, bearing the patent number US5730256A.
This invention relates to an anti-lock braking system (ABS), and particularly to a mechanical anti-lock braking system which is responsive to both the speed of the wheel being braked and to the braking pressure applied by the operator of the vehicle.
A mechanical anti-lock braking apparatus for intermittently releasing pressure applied by a brake shoe to a wheel being braked includes a control member, a power input for causing the control member to rotate with the wheel around a rotational axis, and a control input for changing the position of the control member relative to a follower connected to the calipers or brackets to which the brake shoe is mounted. The control member and/or the follower has a shape which causes the follower to oscillate as the control member rotates, with the relative position if the control member and follower determining the magnitude of the oscillations. The object of the invention is to make a ABS system without expensive electronic systems for use in small vehicles.