The Swaddle Blanket was invented by Assaf Glazer (Hoboken, NJ), Amnon Karni (New York, NY), Natalie Barnett (New York, NY), Yena Seo Lukac (New York, NY), Chris Huynh (Westminster, CO), Amir Katz (Bat Hefer), Heather Stuart (Forest Hills, NY). It was patented by the USPTO on November 3rd, 2020, bearing patent number USD900430S1.
This patent was assigned to UDISENSE INC. (New York, NY). The ornamental design for the swaddle blanket, as shown and described is claimed by the assignee.

The present invention relates to infant care products, and more specifically, it relates to an infant swaddle blanket. The above mentioned figures show their new design in a preparatory stage of wrapping the swaddle blanket around an infant. An infant can be quickly and simply swaddled with a swaddling blanket, which keeps them warm and snugly wrapped. This blanket soothes the baby and keeps them from waking up due to the shocking reaction.
Thus, the infant’s and the parent’s emotional health and safety are enhanced. The baby looks adorable and cuddly with this blanket wrapped around it. If the blanket is composed of cotton fabric, it can be adjusted in size and tightness by tucking or tying it without the need for additional fasteners.
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