Unveiling the innovation that propels adaptive sports to new heights – the Sports Wheelchair, a patent-protected marvel designed for unparalleled performance. Under patent number USD721016S1, this groundbreaking invention was officially granted on January 13, 2015, revolutionizing the landscape of adapted sports.
The brilliant mind behind this transformative sports wheelchair is William V Harding from Arlington, TX. His visionary creation caters to the specific needs of adapted sports enthusiasts, providing them with the VRaptor sports wheelchair – a product of VRD Products, Inc.

As the assignee of the patent, VRD Products, Inc. based in Arlington, TX, takes pride in producing sports wheelchairs that cater to various adapted sports, including wheelchair basketball and wheelchair soccer. The patent, primarily focuses on the ornamental design, emphasizing the distinctive visual elements that set the Sports Wheelchair apart.
The Sports Wheelchair is not merely a mobility aid; it’s a testament to the power of invention in fostering inclusivity and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. William V Harding’s creation has provided athletes with the tools they need to excel in their chosen sports, bringing a new dimension to the world of adapted sports. As we look toward the future, the Sports Wheelchair stands as a symbol of empowerment, breaking barriers and enabling individuals to participate fully and passionately in the sports they love.