The present invention is a combination lock having a second lock mechanism. This invention was invented by Ling; Renny Tse-Haw (Chung-Ho, TW), Wu; Chun Sheng (Chung-Ho, TW). The invention is patented under USPTO and it was issued on 5th July 2005. The patent number of this invention is USRE45429E1.
The invention relates to a combination lock which has a second lock mechanism with a key lock mechanism for securing the zipper. The objective of this invention is to improve the disadvantage of the combination lock mechanism. When we talk about combination lock is very convenient as compared to the the second lock mechanism but if a user forgets the code the lock can be unlocked by trial and error or by destructive means.
A combination lock having a second lock mechanism is disclosed. The combination lock the new invention combines with a keylock mechanism. It allows the user to unlock the combination lock with a key. The second lock mechanism only allows the “K” type of key. The present invention provides a lock mechanism with a key lock system so that the user has not had to remember the code before opening the lock. The Key Lock is more convenient than the combination lock.