Today’s Patent – Multi-Thread Graphics Processing System
Multi-Thread Graphics Processing System invention (US11710209B2) was invented by Laurent Lefebvre, Andrew Gruber, and Stephen Morein, on 29th September 2003. Currently; it stands assigned to ATI Technologies ULC.

A graphics processing system includes a memory device that stores various pixel and vertex command threads. An arbiter connects to this memory and selects a pixel command thread and a vertex command thread. It then chooses a command thread from these selections to send to a command processing engine capable of handling both pixel and vertex command threads. This invention focuses on enhancing graphics processing by interleaving arithmetic logic unit (ALU) operations with texture fetching operations.
In graphics processing systems, effectively managing multiple command threads related to texture applications is crucial. Typically, processing elements such as vertices and pixels go through several steps that apply textures and other processing instructions via arithmetic logic units (ALUs). To enhance the efficiency of a graphics processing system, controlling the flow of these command threads is essential.