Today’s patent was invented by gustavus d. Dows of on January 25, 1870, bearing patent no. US99170.
tHIS invention relates to the construction of soda-fountains or vessels in which water is impregnated with carbonio-acid gas for the manufacture of the beverages known as soda-water, and from which vessels such gas-impregnated water is drawn by its own pressure when thus charged or aerated. Such a vessel usually consists of an oblong cylindrical case, into which water is first introduced in quantity sufticient to two-thirds fill the vessel, carbonicacid gas being su bsequently let into the vessel through a suitable induction-cock and by means of an eleastic pipe, while the vessel is rocked upon suitable trunnions, lhe rocking being designed to facilitate the impregnation of the Water by such agitation of the body of the-water as shall cause the gas and water to be intimately commingled. This is only effected, however, by great labor; and the object of my improvement is tov make such provision in the construetion of the fountain as shall cause the water to be quickly divided and subdivided in’ its movements through the vessel, so as to expedite and facilitate the process of impregnation by breaking up the body ot’ water and bringing the parts into contact with the gas, my invention consisting i’n placing within the vessel breakwatels or obstructions which shall act under the rocking or oscillating movements of the. vessel to break the water intojets, drops, or currents, thus bringing all the particles of the water into direct contact with the gas and causing it to be quickly charged.