The Household Kitchen Opening Appliance was invented by Martin Brady (Chesterfield, VA), Anthony V. Cruz (Thousand Oaks, CA) on the 30th of November, 2010, and bearing patent number US7841093B1.
The object of this invention is to provide an opening center by which a single appliance provides multiple opening functions commonly needed in a kitchen using various different tools. Another object of this invention is to provide an opening center which is conveniently available and can be permanently installed in a single location in a kitchen. More specifically, an object of this invention is to provide a kitchen opening center which can be mounted under a kitchen cabinet with its several tools conveniently accessible and useable. In accordance with this invention, an under-the-cabinet household kitchen opening appliance is provided that comprises an electrically operated can opener, a manually-operated jar opener mounted under a kitchen cabinet, and a sheath for a scissors in addition to other features such as a bottle opener and a hone.