Electric Oven was invented by Hwanwoong Choi (Suwon-si), Gerhardt Kellermann (Munich), Ana Relvao (Munich), Hyunsoo Kim (Suwon-si), Gisung Han (Suwon-si), and Bokyeong Lee (Suwon-si). It was patented by the USPTO on January 19, 2021, bearing patent number USD907952S1.This patent was assigned to SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. (Gyeonggi-do). The ornamental design for an electric oven, as shown and described, is their claim.

Electrical energy serves as the foundation for an electric oven. Coils and tubes make up the heating element used in an electric oven to generate heat electrically. By using resistance, the heating element transforms electrical energy into thermal energy. The electric oven features heating components, convection fan, racks, and temperature and cook time controls.
In 1938, Lee Byung-chul established Samsung as a trading enterprise. Samsung made its debut in the electronics sector in the late 1960s. Among the notable Samsung industrial affiliates are Samsung Electronics, which, based on 2017 revenues, is the largest manufacturer of chips, consumer electronics, and information technology worldwide.