This handle was invented by Matthew James Dryfhout (Brentwood, TN). It was patented by the USPTO on November 14, 2023, bearing patent number USD1004289S1.
This patent was assigned to BAKBLADE LIMITED (London). The ornamental design for a back shaver handle, as shown and described is claimed by the assignee.

The present invention relates to the shaver handle for removing the hair growth on the backside of a human body. This allows you to easily and painlessly remove unwanted hair while getting a flawless shave without having to manoeuvre around the curves of your back. Their patented DRY GLIDE blades ensure that you get the absolute best shave possible WET OR DRY.
There are no moving parts or battery requirements.With its unusually wide razor blade, the tool allows you to efficiently and painlessly cut through a large amount of undesirable hair. This product’s design won the Edison Award.
The company is happy to provide men with high-quality, innovative items that are tailored to their needs. Bakblade has all the essentials to complete any grooming task, be it a close shave, trim, or all-inclusive solution.