The Tamper-proof baggage was invented by Carlo Assi and is been patented by USPTO on 21st September 2021 bearing patent no. US11122876B2.
By utilizing a movable slider and padlock with a seat, which are arranged in close proximity to a limit stop position, the invention intends to produce baggage that is resistant to being tampered with. The slider is what makes contact with the opening edges, while the padlock has a metal end that goes through the hole in the middle. An arrangement of a magnetic component is made further downstream, which attracts the component through the hole in the padlock and then engages it. This intricate locking system discourages pickpockets from opening the baggage when it is not intended for them to do so. The magnetic element not only improves the security of the tamper-proof baggage but also provides a locking system that is compact, efficient, and efficient with small access spaces as well.