The swaddling towel was invented by Sue-Rose Read. The patent was granted by USPTO on 6th August 2019 bearing patent no. US10368589B2. When bathing a child, the caretaker will usually lift the child out of the tub and wrap him or her in a towel. But the person taking care of the child will often get wet when they lift the child out of the bath. Also, it takes some strength and dexterity to hold a wet child safely and securely while wrapping the child in a towel. The inventor comes up with the following invention.

A swaddling towel that has two dimensions major and minor and fasteners to tie it around a caregiver’s neck. The first and second cooperating fasteners are spaced along the minor dimension and the third and fourth along the major dimension. The first and second cooperating fasteners, spaced along the minor dimension, allow the towel to hang from the caregiver’s neck in the major dimension, making wrapping a newborn/baby easier. The third and fourth cooperating fasteners, spaced along the major dimension, allow the towel to hang from the caregiver’s neck in the minor dimension, making infant/toddler wrapping easier.